Your idea is not too small

Dusti Arab
2 min readDec 23, 2020

I remember being told once by someone I deeply respect that I was more of a connector than a “big ideas” person.

As writer and creator, um. Ouch.

At the time, I internalized it as a failing in some way, like my ideas were not substantial enough on their own to really justify my creating a body of work. It had such an impact on impact on me that I lost confidence in my ability to create something original enough to be noteworthy, and as a result, I’ve left dozens of projects behind me, unfinished, since 2013.

Half-written books. Courses that never saw the light of day. Concepts I wasn’t so sure anymore were as interesting or life-changing as I found them. It’s hard to explain the grief I now feel for both the person that I was back then and the impact I could have made if I’d been able to complete some of those projects.

But from that experience, here’s what I know for sure.

***The ability to take what you learn, merge it with other concepts, and breathe new life into them with your ideas is one that has incredible value.***

How many people do you see currently obsessed with Stoicism?

How about folks that are into yoga?

You are allowed to take what works for you, add what works for you, and share it.

We stand on the shoulders of giants when we continue to build on the ideas that won’t let us sleep, the ones that inspire us to carry on.



Dusti Arab

Fractional CMO + Marketing Strategist @ the reinvention co